On the edge – I sit still, take a deep breath and I pray

We all have things as need to do to keep an even keel — blogging, exercising, reading, cooking. What’s yours?

You wouldn’t think I could successfully sit still, just like that, given that my days begin early and end really, really late which leaves little — if no time at all — to be still. But I find that even the silence of sitting a while in a restroom stall and just taking a deep breath helps me to get my bearings straight again. And when needed, I pray. I say thanks, or I ask for clarity, or I just say hello to the big boss upstairs, and even without asking, I feel part if not all of the burden is taken away.

The need to write in anonymity

I have a blog somewhere out there. I write regularly — or at least I try. I don’t do it commercially nor am I boxed into a theme or slant. I write for the sake of writing.

Yet there are times when I find myself censoring my thoughts and my words because the honesty cuts through my heart. And I am afraid to be judged or be condemned for my thoughts and my feelings.

I know there are others out there in a similar situation. I’m hoping you’ll join me and post your anonymous thoughts here.